North Carolina locals H and R embarked on an enchanting journey by tying the knot in an intimate ceremony at the timeless and captivating locale of La Foce in Tuscany. Their shared passion for travel, food, and wine infused this special occasion with a truly unforgettable essence. With Hayden’s Greenbriar background adding a touch of […]
I am not a wedding photographer, but I am a wedding planner. I started the list for myself as I’ve wanted to seriously yell at wedding photographers over the years for missing special moments. Let’s be honest, wedding can be hectic and the happy couple can get distracted. This is why I made a checklist […]
Getting legally married in Italy can be a bit of an Odyssey. What may seem obvious in your country isn’t so in Italy. The most obvious answer is to choose a lovely city hall, follow directions, and set a date. You will have to pay a fee to the municipality that is normally around €400. […]